When we started talking about the range of human hearing I thought that was pretty interesting. The top range is about 20,000 hertz and I could hear not all the way up there but pretty high up. What surpised me was that the higher the hertz got the more it did bother me, but not nearly as much as I thought it would. I actually wasn’t too bothered by it and for some reason, wished I could hear more. After that we talked about Claude Shannon and how he worked with binary and created colored picutres. The way he did that with the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ concept just was amazing to me and really made me understand how binary acutally works. That being said, I still don’t understand it as most others do. The whole idea of disregarding what the information is and instead, you are ‘seeing’ the information is something I hadn’t really thought of before. All in all, this was a great class that made me understand the digital world more.
November 16th
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